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No Direction in School? Just Start Walking...


Freshman year was tricky during COVID, I didn’t know how to access my canvas, I was in my own dorm and didn’t have any accountability to get my assignments done. Passing most of my Gen Eds with straight C’s I told my advisor I didn’t know what I wanted. Did a quarter of Air Force ROTC, did lots of double dipper classes where its’ electives that count towards Gen Eds ranging from Sport Management to basic communication classes to get a grip of what I was interested in. I even declared Economics because I can fit into a financial institution for a good job. During this time, I found my strengths and weaknesses.

1. I was good at writing subjects like History and English. I would offer a format to my friends on how to structure their essays for a free meal at Holmes Dining.

2. Acknowledging that I wasn’t good at math, but I can pick up trends and make an explanation out of it. Although I didn’t do good in economics, I had no problem writing a short essay on different trends and how they happen.

3. Public speaking used to be my enemy in high school, but I have no problem getting up and presenting in class because of what I learned in my communication classes. The different styles of communication and how to read the audience if needing to adjust the delivery like tone, or body language to keep my peers’ attention.

I found the perfect major for me and my style of learning and effectiveness on delivering different information to future employers, peers and giving my little cousin a helping hand on her social studies paper. I went from a straight C’s and withdrawing from classes to a B+ and straight A’s ever since I majored in Public Relations and Journalism.

Finding your path in college can be hard. Going through different classes to find your niche is the best thing that I’ve done in my time at CWU. If you don’t have a sense of direction, start walking.

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